A Survey Found That People Need a Very Specific Amount of Coffee to Feel Productive

Now this is one relatable survey.

A desk set up for work with a laptop, notepad and coffee mug

Muhammad Ihsan / Getty Images

If you don’t have one of those “Don’t Talk to Me Until I’ve Had My Coffee” mugs on your desk, then you probably have at least one coworker who does. It turns out that more than half of us need a hot cup of joe to kickstart our mornings, and over three-quarters of us turn to coffee when we need a midday mood boost. 

In April, market research company OnePoll surveyed 2,050 U.S.-based office workers on behalf of the Flavia hot beverage system, and the results showed that, well, we really like our coffee. A steaming hot cup of coffee is the go-to “first drink of the day” for over half of respondents (66%), while almost half (47%) said that they could also go for an iced coffee when they get to work, followed by water (45%) and flavored water (30%). 

Grabbing a mug of our preferred beverage was one of the most common ways to start a workday, with 59% of respondents saying that it was part of their early routine — whatever time “early” might be. Some other things that office-goers do as soon as they settle into their desk chairs include getting organized (60%) and catching up on their emails (55%). 

As far as the amount of coffee goes, a whopping 77% of those surveyed said that it takes two or more cups of joe before they start to feel really productive. Almost one-quarter (24%) of respondents said they needed the most coffee on Mondays, which…same. And more than half of us (60%) grab a coffee when we need a quick pick-me-up at work. 

“The survey revealed that nearly 87% of respondents were going into the office between two to three days a week,” Camille Vareille, VP, Head of Marketing Americas, Lavazza Group, said in a statement. “Over eight in 10 employees said having free beverages as a workplace perk would make them feel valued, and offering free beverages was the most requested perk to encourage employees to work from an office. Investing in an array of beverages on-site can not only save employees time and money but also help with bringing them back into the office.” 

On the one hand, that’s exactly what you’d expect an exec at a coffee company to say. On the other, we can’t deny that getting a decent brew in the breakroom instead of at the Starbucks down the street is cheaper and more efficient. On average, survey respondents indicated that they spent $6.27 on each of their offsite coffee runs. Making an average of 3.42 trips a week (work with us here) and buying 2.56 drinks on each cafe visit adds up to around $2,854.55 every year. 

On top of that, the average coffee run takes 16.4 minutes, and when that’s multiplied by 3.42 trips a week, it means we’re spending almost an hour a week (56.08 minutes) in coffee shops — and that means that every year, we could burn just over two days (48.61 hours) in cafes placing our orders, waiting for the barista to call our name, and grabbing a handful of napkins on the way out. 

We’re not saying we won’t speak to you before we’ve had a freshly brewed cup, but our side of the conversation will definitely make more sense afterward. 

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