Keep These Hurricane Food Essentials on Hand to Ride Out the Storm

Find all the information you need about the best foods to stock up on to ride out storms this hurricane season.

The Atlantic hurricane season spans half the year, from June through November. It's always a good idea to keep a supply of emergency foods — with a focus on non-perishable food — to make sure you can weather a storm with plenty to eat. (There's more to hurricane preparedness than food items, of course — at the very least make sure to keep a flashlight, different types of batteries, and first aid supplies in your hurricane kit.) Take a look at this hurricane checklist for the best survival foods to have at the ready.

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Non-Perishable Foods

Non-perishable foods — foods that are shelf-stable and don't need to be refrigerated or cooked — should be the first items you purchase for hurricane preparedness. Here's a list of non-perishable items to stock up on.

Bottled water

Your water may not be drinkable after a storm, so buy bottled water you can drink and cook with post-hurricane or any other natural disaster. Be sure to buy at least one gallon of water per person per day for no less than three days, FEMA recommends. (For a family of three, that's nine gallons of water.)

Canned foods such as tuna, salmon, vegetables, or fruits

Many canned products can last up to a year on your shelf, according to the CDC. What's more, these products are ready to eat — no cooking required. Though, we imagine canned green beans or peas taste better heated. Canned foods should stay safe in the storm, but the FDA says you can pack them in plastic bags for added security. Just be sure to check that the cans haven't bulged before you open them up.

Instant soup mixes

You can whip up a piping hot meal over your gas stove with nothing more than an instant soup or noodle pack — think: ramen noodles and your bottled water. The single-serving pouches ensure you won't have to worry about refrigerating leftovers.

Peanut butter

You probably already have peanut butter in your house, but make sure it's not natural peanut butter, which must be refrigerated after opening. This spread will last you long after the storm passes, giving you another source of protein you don't have to cook.


You may not be able to make eggs and toast during the storm, so settle for cereal, which is shelf-stable for up to a year. The right ones can supply a bevy of healthy grains to your diet.

Emergency food

Not all items have to be non-perishable to be eaten in a storm. Here are some to buy.


While apples will eventually go bad, they're one of the longest-lasting fruits you can buy.

Canned marinara sauce

If you stocked up on dry pasta — which you should, as it's shelf-stable almost indefinitely — you'll be happy to pair it with a prepared (and canned) sauce.

Boxed potatoes

Read the labels and purchase boxed potatoes that use only water or milk to make. They'll last for six months and make a tasty side dish for your canned meats.


Pair crackers with your peanut butter for an instant snack packed with protein. They can last up to six months — but buy the dry, crisp variety to reach that longer shelf life.

Soy or almond milk

If you lose power, you may still need milk — but it won't be safe to drink it from your fridge for very long. So buy shelf-stable soy or almond milk you can easily add to your cereal. You can also buy powdered milk, which can last for up to six months.

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