Almost a year after plunging into the Chinese market, Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently launched internet-focused startup accelerator DreamT Accelerator together with the Shanghai municipality Jiading district and the experienced entrepreneurial DTer team, providing one-stop services for entrepreneurs.

Under the deal, Jiading district will offer free infrastructure to incubatees, including more than 4,000 square meters of co-working space, apartments and preferential policies. AWS will support the program with its cloud services, technical services and training resources, while DTer will be responsible for day-to-day operations of the accelerator.

DreamT will focus on but not be limited to the sectors of cloud services, wearables and internet of things (IoT), consumption services and online travel, said Zhao Ye, founder of the project. A total of 29 potential incubatees pitched at the launch party. Zhao added that half of these projects have gained angel investment and 30% have received Series A financing.

In terms of technical support, projects under the program will receive up to US$15,000 worth of AWS cloud services, according to Rong Yongkang, vice president of AWS, along with training on the platform to help entrepreneurs master it. Rong added that AWS will invite experts from abroad to share their insights so as to help bridge foreign and domestic startup ecosystems.

DreamT is AWS’s first incubator in China. The cloud computing service is in talks with other partners in Beijing and Chengdu to launch similar incubation programs.

In addition to in-house investment unit of DreamT Venture Capital, the accelerator maintains close cooperation with more than 200 leading angel or VC investors in China. To boost startup development, it now has over 40 international mentors and advisers with expertise in investment, finance, technology and government relation to help the growth of startups incubated in DreamT.

Apply here if you are interested in the program.

Emma Lee (Li Xin) was TechNode's e-commerce and new retail reporter until June 2022, when she moved to Sixth Tone to cover technology and consumption. Get in touch with her via or Twitter.

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