Comments on: Web 2.0 and Rock’n Roll Converged Latest news and trends about tech in China Sun, 07 Jun 2020 05:18:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: louisvuittonJewelry Fri, 04 Jun 2010 05:24:58 +0000 Beauteous white roses are blooming peacefully in the wizard's secret garden. Someone could hear the voice of blooming whilst someone might see the sequel of fading.

By: The MObinoDE {MODE} 动点博客 » Blog Archive » - Let the Music Play Wed, 27 Dec 2006 03:36:52 +0000 […] I am big fan of music, and there are two online services I have loved most when I am doing the writing or programming: Pandora from USA and from UK. In Pandora, I give my favorite artist or song, Pandora explores their gallery and streams back the the similar style music. With Pandora, I have discovered some very good artists who I didnot know but play the music of my taste. is also good at music discovery, but using a different approach. looks more like a social network, you tag/search for the music then the system analyses the music you and you friends listen to or like. It is working very well, especially when I want to listen to some music I heard before or played by the artists I knew. Both are excellent services, but one thing both can not make me happy is that they are not Chinese music friendly. Pandora, I cannot even input Chinese which is quite strange; has its Chinese version and collected a few Chinese artists but they are far from enough and accuracy. I searched for Zhoujielun (周杰伦) which might be the most popular pop music star, but the artists discovered for me were: Tension, S.H.E, etc?! […]
