As China’s digital economy matures, the country’s tech firms increasingly look overseas for growth opportunities. In few places are the stakes higher than in Southeast Asia and India. In Southeast Asia, the internet economy is predicted to expand nearly fourfold by 2025, while India recently reached 500 million internet users, and is expected to have over 800 million by 2022.

However, while opportunities are abundant, competition is fierce. After evolving in the Chinese market, these firms must now do battle with both local upstarts and Silicon Valley titans in unfamiliar territory.

So how are Chinese firms competing in the digital economy’s most sought-after developing markets? What lessons are they learning in these wildly diverse regions, and what are the paths to follow?

On this panel, we will feature journalists and professionals who have been both following and participating in the expansion of Chinese tech firms in India and Southeast Asia, and dive into what the headlines don’t always discuss.

At Emerge, we will dive into emerging China tech trends such as AI, corporate innovation, blockchain, digital marketing, shift to enterprise, the slowing economy, and the expansion to Southeast Asia. See you there!

Based in Shanghai, Suzanne builds and promotes TechNode domestically and globally by designing and implementing online and offline marketing campaigns and events. A Global Studies graduate from St. Lawrence...

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