A call to all entrepreneurs and industry insiders: want to test your ideas in front of China’s top investors? Here’s your chance.

China’s investment landscape can seem confusing to an outsider, and one of the best things about TechCrunch China is the incredible access you get to some of the country’s best venture capitalists and investors.

Get some face time with senior investors from some of the biggest and most forward-thinking firms working in China today, including IDG, Sequoia, LightSpeed, Zhenfund and GGV, at our VC meetup session, held during TechCrunch from the 7th to the 8th of November.

A total of 80 investors will come together in a mammoth session which will allow attendees to get some serious one-on-one time with a number of investors.

Our sessions are closely managed and optimized to give each attendee the proper focus and attention from investors in the most time efficient manner possible, this means cutting down waiting times and giving participants more time to do what they came to do: talk tech.

So if you’re an entrepreneur with an idea that’s ready to be scrutinized by the biggest investors in China, or an industry professional look for some insider advice from the country’s top VCs, then sign up to be a part of the TechCrunch Beijing 2016 VC Meetup.

(Note: to access the VC Meetup you must purchase the ticket to TechCrunch Beijing 2016, Visitor Pass do not include the VC Meetup. To get your ticket to attend the Summit here at http://tc.technode.com/2016-beijing/en/tickets/ )

About TechCrunch Beijing 2016

TechCrunch China, following in the footsteps of the internationally popular TechCrunch conference in San Francisco, is the most influential tech conference brand for the Chinese startup community today. TechCrunch Beijing is the second annual conference held in China, following TechCrunch Shanghai earlier this year.

The theme of this year’s event is Technology X Design, and our line up of tech professionals, investors, entrepreneurs and companies is more impressive than ever. See some of the country’s newest startups in our huge Startup Alley, meet the country’s top investors in our VC Meetup session and learn all about what makes China one of the most exciting destinations for innovative technology today.

Join us from November 7th-8th for high-level discussions and incredible networking opportunities. Applications for our incredibly popular Hackathon competition are also now open, with the 48-hour face-off set to be held on from the 5th-6th November.