Bitcoin has come a long way since its emergence 10 years ago. Blockchain, the technology behind bitcoin, has also experienced breakthroughs in transitioning from ideas to real-life applications in many industries. Today, many industries are fighting for space in the blockchain sector. Whether or not the technology will disrupt the current internet infrastructure and breed the next industry giant has become a popular topic of discussion. In fact, many people believe that blockchain will become a determining factor for success.

According to 2018 China Blockchain Industry White Paper published by MIIT, the blockchain industry has been growing at a significantly high rate. 2017 saw a peak in blockchain startups, with 178 new companies, 40% of which were blockchain. 2017 also experienced a surge in investments, with almost 100 completed. By March 2018, there were 456 blockchain-focused companies in China, and 68 blockchain-related investments.

As Bitcoin and other digital currencies become increasingly popular, for VCs, the real appeal lies in the potential value of the underlying blockchain technology. Investors are looking to put their money into companies at the crossroads of creativity and practicality. TechCrunch Hangzhou will have a special blockchain session during the VC meetup on July 2nd, 2018, where blockchain startups will have the opportunity to meet the most prominent VCs in the industry.

The VC Meetup has repeatedly been one of the most popular aspects of TechCrunch Summit, as well as the most sought-after investment branding opportunities for VCs under TechNode. Since its establishment, it has helped thousands of startups match their profiles with investments. From these sessions, more than 10 high-quality startups have received tens of millions in investments from top Chinese VCs, and more than 50 startups have received Pre-A investments.

The original idea for the VC Meetup was to give startups and VCs 10 minutes to exchange introductions about their companies and ideas. It has since grown to include a “Pro” session, which allows each VC to distribute three Pass Cards to the startups of their liking to be used for further discussions in a more exclusive setting.

Think you have what it takes to become the next blockchain unicorn? Come and find out at the TechCrunch Hangzhou VC Meetup!

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