Deciphering Douyin users: who’s really using China’s TikTok sibling?

The huge growth of Douyin (TikTok’s China sibling) has led to an increasing number of advertisers using the platform to launch their marketing campaigns. Insider Xiaoyan CHEN is the founder of RougeLink, an agency offering high-performance e-commerce tactics based on data-driven technologies and livestreaming. She has profound knowledge of e-commerce and digital marketing of the…

The changing face of MNCs in China: Chinese local for global 

Insider Dr. Min Zhou is the CEO of CM Venture Capital, a China-based investment company which partners multinationals to help them invest in next-gen technologies. She is also on the Board of Directors for tech startups such as Averatek, Cambridge Touch Tech, Econic, Thingple, Global Power Tech and more. Recently, on 7 Sep 2023, Phoenix…

How digital payments are unlocking growth for future commerce

In an era marked by unprecedented digital transformation, digital payment tools have emerged as indispensable enablers of commerce in both the online and offline realms. The future of payment is the future of commerce. Over the past years, digital payment tools have revolutionized the way consumers and businesses engage in the online sphere, with this…

Practitioners from Malaysia, Bangladesh, and Nigeria discuss digital economic development for underserved communities at Shanghai’s INCLUSION Conference

With the theme of “Technology for a Sustainable Future,” the INCLUSION Conference on the Bund was held in Shanghai from September 7 to 9, bringing together global experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs to explore technological developments in economic industries. On September 8, one of the events organizing committee members, Ant Group invited three overseas guests from the 10×1000…

Ant Group expands from payment to SME digitalization services in international operation

In a world of widespread economic uncertainty throughout most of 2023, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are looking for new technological solutions to accelerate their businesses in a volatile period following the sudden impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A senior executive at China’s Ant Group expected digitalization driven by innovative technologies to become a key…


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